Thursday, December 30, 2010

Born again in 2010

Alas, only one more day in the year of 2010. I must say that I am feeling a bit nostalgic. Looking back, I am so thankful to say that 2010 has been the happiest, most amazing year of my life.

After coming out of such a long depression and finally becoming the person that God has meant for me to be, I feel like I was reborn this year. It's as if the first 20 years of my life have disappeared and I have completely started over.

This past year has shown me what life should be like and what it will always be like as long as I stay close to Jesus. I can't help but smile when I think about how incredibly blessed I have been since last January.

I'm going to use this blog to highlight my "first year of life" and publicly thank God for everything He has given me this year. Normally I would make a list of resolutions, things I would like to change. This year, however, I am going to pray for continuity.

Highlights of 2010
  • Started nursing school and discovered my life's passion
  • Became depression-free!!
  • Overcame my fear of social situations and made some AMAZING friends
  • Giving my first injection at NHC
  • Getting pooped on at NHC...
  • Quitting Ruby Tuesday!!!!
  • Got a job at Lexington Medical Center
  • Made some more AMAZING friends at LFP West Columbia
  • Heather and Greg's wedding!
  • Kayla and Glen's engagement!
  • Watched 3 colonoscopies, 2 EGDs, and a colectomy!!!
  • Gave LOTS of injections and started three IVs!
  • watched a couple of people accept Jesus as their saviors!
  • Joined a small group and met even MORE amazing people
  • Started volunteering at Kidspring
  • Got my class ring!!
  • Went to Disney World AND The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
That isn't even come CLOSE to covering everything that happened this year, but it gives a general overview of everything I have to be thankful for. I want to put an emphasis on the fact that for the first time in my entire life, I feel like I am alive. I can look back on this year and smile because each day was a gift from God. 

It is no small accomplishment that I was able to overcome my social anxiety and form wonderful friendships with so many people. Getting back into the nursing program is the best thing that has ever happened to me (besides meeting Jesus, of course). I have discovered my purpose in life, and have met some amazing people in the process.

While I am sad to say goodbye to 2010, I can only imagine what 2011 will bring.

Here is a video of some of the fun times!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So blessed.

I have REALLY been a slacker in the blogging department. I'll blame it on being busy with school. Now that the semester is over I suppose I can get back in the swing of things.

Right now I'm lying in bed at my dad's house wishing my body didn't feel like it has been hit by a large vehicle. I'm assuming some kind of virus has invaded, but I'm hoping the theraflu will kick in. After all, operation "raise money to pay for school this semester" has officially begun and I am working at LFP every day until classes start up again.

You're probably wondering what I've been up to. The truth is, life has turned into a beautiful routine involving studying, eating, and spending time with amazing friends. I've been doing a lot of reflecting over the last few days (I tend to do this a lot), and I've become overwhelmed with how much God has blessed me with. I have people who love me. I am working toward an amazing career that I just happen to be whole-heartedly passionate about. You know what else I have? Jesus. I didn't always have Him, but now that I do I can't even imagine what my life would be like had I not agreed to go to Newspring back in August of '07. He has changed EVERY aspect of my life in ways that can only be explained as supernatural.

I have never been more satisfied than I am at this moment. It's amazing how Jesus will take care of you if you just trust Him.

Here are some of my favorite people 
(If you aren't in a picture, it's because I didn't have one):