100 Things

100 Things About Me
  1. I really like crafts. It's not uncommon for me to be sitting on the floor surrounded by glue, paint, wood, and iron-on letters. 
  2. I have a sewing machine, but I'm not quite sure how to use it.
  3. I try really hard to be healthy- I drink about 9 glasses of water a day.
  4. ...and then about 12 tablespoons of salt.
  5. I'm pretty much obsessed with bold colors. Pink + purple + orange = <3
  6. My bedroom is decorated in purple and orange. Go tigers!
  7. I have a collection of plush llamas. 
  8. At some point in my life, I would like to own a llama. 
  9. I crave lima beans a lot. So much, in fact, that I've made a family sized can and eaten them out of a Tupperware container at 1:00 in the morning.
  10. I eat lemons as if they were apples. 
  11. Ranch dressing goes with everything. I consider it an entree. 
  12. I've been trying to lose the same 30 pounds for a few years now, but I'm determined that they will finally come off this year.
  13. I love school. I spend 99% of my time studying and the other 1% of my time dreaming about what I just studied. 
  14. Speaking of dreams, I always remember mine...and they're always very vivid.
  15. I once dreamt that buzz lightyear was trying to kill me. 
  16. I have a lot of favorite movies, but among them are 40 Year Old Virgin and Mean Girls. 
  17. When I was 12, I used to dress up as Hermione Granger and pretend all my books were for my classes at Hogwart's.  
  18. I give everything a name. 
  19. I’m 21 and I still think something will grab my ankles if I put my feet on the floor beside my bed when it’s dark.  
  20. When I go to the bathroom, I check behind the shower curtain to make sure there’s no one there. I’m not sure what I’d do if there were, but I’ll figure that out when the time comes. 
  21. I love my church. Check it out at Newspring.cc! 
  22. I absolutely love cooking. I can really only make pasta, but I’m always up for new ideas! 
  23. Neopolitan ice cream is my favorite. I only eat the chocolate and the strawberry, though, leaving a huge vanilla stripe down the side of the carton. 
  24. I am obsessed with Desperate Housewives. Before that, it was Grey’s Anatomy. Before that, it was Bewitched. And before that, it was The OC.  
  25. I can act out the entire movie “Mean Girls” by myself.  
  26. My favorite sound in the world is the sound it makes when you empty the recycling bin on Windows. I always turn my volume up really high. 
  27. I can’t walk up or down stairs when I have music in my ears. I try to walk with the beat and end up falling. 
  28. I fall without music, too. 
  29. My favorite game is “Loaded Questions”, although no one ever really wants to play it. 
  30. I am a complete nerd when it comes to the Sims. I could play it all day if my major would permit.  
  31. When I cry, I get a little red dot on my forehead.  
  32. If I’m feeling vulnerable, my entire face turns red.  
  33. Basically, I can’t hide my emotions. That doesn’t mean I won’t try, though! 
  34. I have been known to give TMI. I’m very open, and there’s not much I won’t tell you.  
  35. That doesn’t mean I trust people. 
  36. In a matter of 2 years, I lost 3 family members. I was really close to 2 of them.  
  37. I have a tattoo on the back of my neck in remembrance of Taylor, who died at the age of 16 from a pulmonary embolus.  
  38. When I die, I want the following video to be played at the funeral: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=333eXxGwiPE 
  39. I went through a 6-month period where I partied and drank a lot. I soon realized that it wasn’t the sort of path I wanted to be on. 
  40. I still enjoy the occasional margarita, though J. 
  41. I don’t like crouds or loud music. Concerts, bars, and dark restaurants make me nervous. 
  42. I will make an exception to sing Lady Marmalade on karaoke night at Wild Wing. 
  43. I took a trip to Alaska to visit my cousin Brittan and realized that my favorite thing to do is fly on a plane alone. There’s something about being out of control that I found very peaceful. 
  44. With that said, I try to control everything. 
  45. If it’s not in my planner, it doesn’t get done.  
  46. I make plans for everything. I’ve even made plans to not have any plans. Does that make sense? 
  47. I have a stuffed bear named Harold. If I’m going on an overnight trip, you better believe he’s going with me. 
  48. I laugh a lot. Usually at inappropriate times. 
  49. I don’t know how to swim. I can doggy paddle, but that only gets me so far.  
  50. I have really bad motion sickness. I can’t even ride in the back seat of a car without losing my breakfast.
  51. I have honestly been to Disney World at least 40 times. It's pretty much my home away from home.
  52. I was born at only 28 weeks, and almost didn't make it.
  53. All my hair fell out and I was completely bald until about the age of 2.
  54. I have a "niece" named Madi and I absolutely love her to death.
  55. Someday I want to have a St. Bernard.
  56. I also want a hatchback Yaris.
  57. My favorite time of year is probably the second week of December. All the Christmas music makes me feel at home.
  58. I absolutely love animals. I almost cried the other day when I saw a dead butterfly on the sidewalk. 
  59. I wanted to be a vet at one point, but then I realized I'm allergic to anything with fur. 
  60. I used to love making lists (until I had to make this one).
  61. As cliche as this sounds, I absolutely love to dance in my underwear...to Britney Spears.
  62. I know every word to the "Les Poisson" song in the Little Mermaid.
  63. I used to take clogging. 
  64. I can't wait to have kids. I'm pretty sure I was born to be a mom.
  65. I'm an old lady at heart. I don't like to be out late, I don't like big crouds, my favorite restaurant is Lizard's Thicket, and I enjoy doing crossword puzzles.
  66. I absolutely love instant mashed potatoes. 
  67. I can't wait to have an old lady 'fro. 
  68. I really want to write a book. I've started one at least 10 times, but I never finish.
  69. I'm addicted to eBay. I'm waiting on one of my orders to ship right now.
  70.  I've lived with my best friend for 3 years and loved every minute of it! 
  71. She's engaged to be married in May!!
  72. I'm really good at remembering faces. I can almost always point out what movie an actor or actress is from just by seeing them once.
  73. I can't stand when people use bad grammar. 
  74. I'm a very patient person. I can entertain myself for hours if I need to.
  75. I really hate ham.
  76. My favorite part of the turkey is the skin that hangs over the neck hole.
  77. Lit doorways freak me out.
  78. I absolutely love to be inside with a good book during thunderstorms. 
  79. I think umbrellas are really funny. I mean, think about it. It's a shield that we hold over our heads to protect us from the water that is falling from the sky. Weird!?
  80. I don't like the snow. It's pretty for a couple of hours, but then it's just cold and wet.
  81. I sweat a lot. It could be 40 degrees outside and I'll have sweat lines on my shirt.
  82. I really don't like to wear pants. I wish women could go back to wearing skirts and dresses all the time.
  83. I think women jokes are funny. Why did the woman cross the road? It doesn't matter. She shouldn't have been out of the kitchen in the first place. 
  84. I love pictures.
  85. I can't wait to be a nurse. I don't care how much poop I have to clean.
  86.  I really like having a routine. I do the same thing every morning to get ready and the same thing at night. It messes me up completely if I can't do it.
  87. Every item in my room is always in the same spot. Wherever I put it when I move in is where it permanently belongs. It drives me nuts if I can't find something.
  88. My favorite thing I own is my "Human Body Book". I bought it last summer at Walden Books.
  89. I am so tired I just spent a good 40 seconds making faces at myself in the mirror.
  90. I love scented lotions from bath and body works. I can usually identify them just by the smell.
  91. I hate when guys text me instead of call me. I think cell phones and facebook have completely ruined the institution of dating. 
  92. Hearing a guy call me "Ma'am" is the equivalent of him singing a Clay Walker song on a bed full of rose petals. It's sexy.
  93. I don't like the color black, so I'd prefer people wear pink at my funeral.
  94. I talk about my funeral a lot, but I promise I'm not morbid. 
  95. I love watching sappy movies that make me cry. 
  96. I can't stand watching tv in the dark. I can't stand being in the dark period. 
  97. I don't like small talk. I tend to make conversations awkward because I try to step outside the normal realm of "so, how are your classes going?"
  98. My favorite day is Sunday, because I get to go to church and eat at Monterrey with my friends!
  99. I don't like even numbers. The only one I can tolerate is 38.
  100. I would much prefer the walmart brand of mac n' cheese over Velveeta.