Thursday, September 9, 2010

Smile :)

I'm so excited right now. My care plan is finished, I have a tummy full of Ben & Jerry's Brownie Batter, and I had an amazing day at clinical today! It is the first day that I actually felt like a nurse. I normally fumble through my papers in search of what to do, poke the patient with my stethoscope and call it an assessment, and awkwardly pat the patient in random areas of the body with a washcloth and say I gave a bed bath.

Today, however, I felt confident. For once, I was in charge of the morning's "activities", and I was very proud of both my assessment and my bed bath! On top of that, I got to give heparin and a PPD! Who knew it'd be so exciting to stab someone with a needle? It was pretty much the highlight of my life, though. Especially since my life right now consists of studying, eating, studying, a little sleeping, more eating, and...studying.

Speaking of which, I have two tests next week. I haven't decided how much I'm going to panic yet, but I'll let you know when I get to that point. I'm going to start my weekend-long study session tomorrow afternoon. Fantastic.

Smile! It's almost Friday :)

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