For the first time in the history of my blog, it's Five Question Friday!

1. If you had $1000 to donate to a charity, which would you chose?
Hmm. This one's a hard one, because there are so many amazing charities out there. Honestly, I would probably just give it to Newspring. I trust that they would use it for something good, and that's all that really matters.
2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
Honestly, I despise snow days. I love to look out the window and see the snow covering the ground, and it's even more beautiful when it's still falling. However (and this is a big however), it keeps me from having a productive day and stepping outside of my apartment. Not to mention, I feel obligated to venture out into the frigid wonderland and build a snowman. This ultimately leads to me being cold and wet, which is not a pleasant combination. On the plus side, it's the perfect excuse to sit around watching movies and indulging myself in grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Yummmm.
This snowman is the best I could do before making a mad dash for a hot shower.
3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
Oh, how I wish I could sing! It's probably my favorite thing to do, but frankly, it just isn't pleasant. I commend myself for my determination, though. I do attempt to hit each note.
4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?
While this is terribly lame, I have to go with neither. I don't watch the news, because it either makes me depressed or doesn't concern me at all. I don't care about politics, because they frustrate me. Finally, I don't follow celebrity gossip because I really couldn't care less about Taylor Swift's dating life. I'm so out of the loop on celebrity gossip that it took me several minutes to even think of an example to use.
5. What is your favorite "cocktail"?
If we're talking alcoholic, I have to say either a pomegranate martini from Bonefish Grill or a Sex on the Beach from anywhere. I'm not much of a drinker anymore, though, so I'll go ahead and name my favorite non-alcoholic "cocktail" as well. Not very exciting, I'm afraid...I'll take some sweet tea.
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