Friday, February 4, 2011

Silver white winters that melt into spring

I don't have anything philosophical to say in today's entry. All I can say right now is that I am perfectly, supremely, sublimely happy! Ever since Monday when I felt Jesus speak to my heart more clearly than He ever has, I have seen the world in a completely different way. I have learned to appreciate EVERYTHING that the Lord has blessed me with, which is something I always assumed I had done, but it turns out I never really have before. I lay in my bed last night and praised Jesus that I had a bed to sleep in, three blankets keeping me warm, walls and a roof to keep me safe, and somewhere meaningful to go when I wake. For reasons unknown to me, not everyone is blessed with these things. For some reason, God chose me. How ungrateful would it be for me to take these gifts and not use them for great things? For years I believed I was incapable of doing great things. I thought everyone else had something I didn't. Now I realize that it's just the opposite. I have something someone else doesn't have. The same goes for everyone. Jesus entrusts different gifts to different people, meaning that each person is just as valuable as another. If we don't use those gifts, no one else can completely fill the spot in God's plan that He reserved for each of us.

I'm sitting here cross-legged on my bed wearing my nursing scrubs and listening to the soundtrack to The Sound of Music and praising Jesus for this moment. When you truly realize that EVERYTHING comes from God, you start to appreciate even these small moments. My prayer today is that this new-found awareness never goes away.

This video pretty much sums up the fact that we don't know why God distributes blessings the way that He does, but we just have to trust that He knows what He's doing.

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