Friday, March 11, 2011

Studying for God's tests.

There's something I've never quite understood.

Here's how school works: someone tells you something new and then they test you on how well you can apply what you've learned. If you pass, the teacher goes onto the next lesson. Great. However, if you fail...the teacher still goes onto the next lesson.

Does that make sense to anyone? The kids who didn't learn the first time are basically screwed out of luck. Hopefully that topic will never appear later in life. What's amazing to me, though, is that God doesn't do that. Like a teacher, He also gives us lessons and tests us. When we pass, he entrusts us with another lesson. When we fail, however, He doesn't just move on. He tests us again. and again. and again.

That just blows my mind! It took me such a long time to figure this out. After years of running into the exact same problem over and over again, I finally realized that God was putting me in these situations repeatedly to see if I'd learned from the previous ones.

If we don't learn from the trials we go through, we can never move onto the next step, the next lesson, or the next test that God has planned for us. You have to pass algebra before you can move on to calculus!

So after you learn the lesson, pass a few tests, the next step is an exam. It tests your application of things that you already know. It tests to see if you remember what you learned. I like to think of my life right now as my exam. I have taken MULTIPLE tests on the same lesson, but I have yet to pass one with a grade that I would call satisfactory. I have been discouraged lately, feeling like God is giving me yet another one of these tests on the same topic. I found myself asking Him why He would do this to me again! Then I realized...I am passing this one. He had to do one final test, an exam, to make sure I could remember and apply everything.

It's no coincidence that our problems seem to follow us everywhere. God is testing us. He's pounding the knowledge into our heads in hopes that one day we will pass the test. Only when you pass one test will He begin to prepare you for another.

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