Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I've Got a Dream

My new favorite movie as of tonight is Tangled. I realized it is a childrens' movie, but it is from this movie that came the inspiration for tonight's blog.

There is a scene that takes place in a bar full of, how do you say it, sketchy men. They sing a song called "I've Got A Dream". They take turns singing about all of the things they dream about doing one day despite all the things that are setting them back.

I realize it is just a Disney song, but at the same time I began applying it to real life.

Dreams are important. They provide us with something to work toward. They give us motivation. They are what provide us with that extra boost to get out of bed every morning. Without dreams, we would all be lost and searching for more.

Everyone has a different dream. My dream to be a nurse may sound nothing short of hell to you. At the same time, it's never been a desire of mine to win a lawsuit or produce my own film.

Why do we all have such different dreams?

I think God makes us each unique, and only He knows how to light that fire in each of our hearts. He created us each for a different purpose, wherein lies our dreams. When we align our desires with God's, the dreams we pursue will directly correlate with His purpose for our lives.

With this realization comes great responsibility. No one else can fill your spot in God's master plan. Because each of us was created for a specific purpose, no one else is equipped with the same passion, the same skills, or the same fire.

This is why we can't give up. If you have a dream, stick with it. Don't give up, even when it seems like you will never get there. The devil doesn't like for us to follow Jesus and he will throw you as many obstacles as he can. Trust that God already has everything planned out. He knows what you can accomplish for Him and He will not let anything stand in the way.

Trust God with your dreams and pursue them with all of your heart, giving God the glory every step of the way.

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